mansarda bianca
/Renovation: restored shutters
/You see, I am not the best informed person on the contruction site ...
We had decided to restore just three of the many shutters. Three that were best preserved. And we decided to paint them with wood color to show the original wood that is of high quality. The other shutters are all newly made and lackered white - less expensive then the restored ones.
And if one day the brown shutters will ever appear too dark we still can paint them white.
update: golden chick on ebay - or how the lady of the palazzo starts to flog the family silver
/The auction for my object d'or (I posted yesterday) is now open for bidding here on ebay.
What does it has to do with our renovation project?
Two things:
1) the workers are now - lets say - on winter holiday, ... so nothing much to write about (this post can fill the whole)
2) we have run out of money ... which means - we not only (see 1) sent the workers on winter holiday - but also need some cash.
So why not start to "kill a golden chick" ?!
Next I flog the family silver !!
Don't worry, we will survive - on a high level: with an empty, unlivable palazzo! - pity? - scherzo - the project (and blog!) just will take longer !
Back to my sale, the object d'art:
This shapely modern art sculpture is made in Thailand by a Thai artist. The object is of golden lacquered bronze(?) and black stone (probably black marble) - It is 30 cm high, 25 cm long and 18 cm wide. It is quiet massive and weighs 4.8 kilo. - The black stone pedestal measures 8 cm wide, 9.5 cm long and 10 cm high.
Starting price 39 Euro, shipping worldwide, ends 19.12.08 21:30:00 CET/MEZ.
More details on ebay.
Yes, this will buy ONE more hour work on the palazzo ... (IF after all!)
Before and After: Facade
/Didn't our architetto deliver a nice job ? Complimenti !
I am very happy with the result. It looks great. Not overdone, in my opinion. Just appropriate and very well matching the main facade.
But, ssh, can you believe that we have a neighbour who wants us to move the rain drain ?! (It is facing his ground.) Maybe there is an old South Italian superstition behind his wish?
Mmm ... it should not disturb us to enjoy the overall result.
We are almost done ! ... from the outside.